Monday, October 07, 2013

Yard Sale (With No Yard)

Simon was interested in making some extra money and decided he wanted to have a yard sale.  Our lack of yard or anything yard like was a small obstacle but we were determined.

Simon did an excellent job of planning out the whole thing, collecting appropriate items, pricing everything, making signs, and setting up- all with minimal help.

Here are the signs to advertise.

And here is the sale.  We set up next to our local playground.  It probably wasn't legal but no one came by to tell us to leave.  Simon worked his sale for two hours!  You'll notice the pickin's are slim in the picture below because this was taken at the end- he sold a lot of stuff.

 Simon really saw this project through to the end and he made over $50!
Wait until you see what he spent it on…
But that's a post for another time.
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