Friday, November 21, 2008

Great News!

Adoption finalization is scheduled for the December 12th!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Trying on the Costume

Simon becomes a Zebra...

Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Beautiful Fall Day at the Zoo

It looks like a country lane, but really it was the Bronx Zoo. (And as this picture was being taken we were telling Simon, "No climbing.")

Mama and Simon singing "Twinkle, Twinkle" to the baby sea lion. Honestly, it was Simon's idea. Because the Sea Lion was taking a nap Simon wanted to sing to him.

Visitng our friends the Gorillas.

And who knew that one highlight of the zoo would be a chance to play in leaves?
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All kinds of stuff...

Driving a bus. (Really the transit museum. I'm sure you never would have guessed.)

Watching trains. (Really a wonderful new music box at Aunt Lisi and Uncle Robert's house.)

Lots of laughs at their house too.

And they served chocolate cake, and we got to take home the extra!

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Thursday, November 06, 2008


Simon miscalculated where the coffee table was. So he caught himself with his face, rather than with his hands. Quite a shade of purple, though. (These photos are from several hours afterward.)

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Elections are tiring

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Historic Day

Simon, Mama, and Daddy doing thier civic duty. about a 45 minute wait this morning and we got there before 7! Go Obama!
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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Breakfast Time

Probably only interesting to the most blindly-devoted of Simon fans...

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Our Halloween Party Experience

The building held a small halloween party. It was lots of fun.

Then a horse arrived and...

Simon was totally terrified.
Posted by PicasaWe left. And spent a lot of time talking about the horse. So if you are asked, here's the official story. The horse was only here for the halloween party and he has now gone home to his stable far, far away in Connecticuit. The horse is never ever coming back here.

The Zebra in his Natural Habitat

The proud zebra is alert to everthing around him. (Especially cameras.)

The zebra at his watering hole.

This zebra's feeding habits are unique.
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