Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fun Even If It Is Freezing

We were in Minneapolis for Thanksgiving this year and it was COLD!
But that didn't stop some people from having fun outside!

And having fun eating cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.

The food was terrific- Thank you Uncle Joel and Aunt Barbara for being such wonderful hosts.

Hugs were a big part of the day too.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bath Time in Brooklyn

Don't all 4 year olds have to take off their headbands, bracelets, and necklaces before a bath?

Yup- this household is dominated by it's youngest member.
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Friday, November 19, 2010

Yup, That's What He Said

Last night Simon said, "Can I have a tomato as my dessert number two?"

He meant it.

I let him.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can You See Aliens?

Last Christmas Simon got a telescope- it only took us 11 months to get it put together. Lately, he's been very interested in the moon and planets we can see. (And in aliens.) So it seemed time to pull out the telescope. We have not looked at things at night yet due to clouds, but we did look out the window during the day.

Simon was pretty impressed with what he could see.
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

What to Do on a Perfect Fall Day in NYC

Get outside!
Stroll around Central Park.

Climb some really big rocks.

Check out the view from a castle.

And dance with your Daddy on a really big piano.

Follow the above instructions for a wonderful day together as a family.
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Monday, November 08, 2010

China and Chickens

OK- Usually our posts are mostly pictures. Not today.

Last week one of Simon's classmates moved away. When we asked where was Julian moving to, Simon said, "China." "Oh, China, that's a very long way away." "Well, maybe it was Africa. Or China." Upon asking Simon's teacher Jaclyn, Julian moved to Los Angeles.

Today Simon came home and informed us that his good friend Jesse G. was going to Hong Kong. "To live there?" I asked. "No. To visit." "That's very far away." "No, it's OK. Jesse G. reeeaally likes Hong Kong. He's been there like two times before, like last Friday." "Oh, when is he going to Hong Kong this time?" "This Friday." And then later, after Daddy was told the same thing and had a very similar conversation as the one above, Daddy asked, "Who will watch the chickens?" (Jesse G's family raises chickens in their backyard.) Simon said, "I think they are taking the chickens with them."

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Marathon Sunday

Mama organized a big crowd of people cheering for the 4 teachers from PS 503 that ran the marathon today. It was a cold and beautiful day- and everyone had lots of fun. We also have two friends who ran the marathon in 3hr 30 minutes! Wow! And in case there is anyone out there who doesn't know it yet, as long as all goes well- Will is going to run next year! 363 days and counting.

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Saturday, November 06, 2010

This Made Us Happy

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