Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ethan's Wedding

We all went to the DC area to celebrate Ethan Van Brunt (neighborhood friend) marying Robyn.
Their first dance was fabulous!

Simon and Grandpa Steve liked walking together.

Simon has gotten very good at giving hugs- here he demonstrates with Grandma Sue.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Watch out--this could change everything

His first afternoon of walking...

What's happening in May

Simon has decided to start eating with forks and spoons now.

It doesn't actually make meals any less messy...

Grandma Jean and Grandpa Don bought Simon a super-cool Maine shirt last summer figuring he'd grow in to it for this summer.
It is a size 2, how could it not fit him- he'll only be around 16 months!
Well, it is too small. But we found a good use for it!
Now Simon has a great new pillow to play with.

This is my house.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Coney Island Fun

Simon and Daddy stroll around the aquarium.

Simon and Mama meet Ayvec the walrus up close!

Simon's first beach day. He loved the sand and looking at the water. But when we took his shoes off and let him stand until a wave covered his feet- it wasn't love. Brrrrrr!

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Recent Events & Disasters

We had a great visit with Aunt Lisi and Uncle Robert. I'm not sure who had more fun--Simon or the grown ups!

And the disaster...We had another major haircut fiasco which resulted in Simon needing another crew cut. If he ends up going into the Army it will be all our fault.

Just hangin' at home.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hey, I figured it out.

Simon's learned how the giraffe toy works!

This is much faster than crawling!

Simon's latest skill...