Monday, March 30, 2009

Make a Guess...

We have no idea what this was about- yes, they are mini-post-it notes- your guess is as good as ours why they needed to be placed just like that.

OK- no guessing needed here- Simon enjoyed riding Chocolate Chip at Taran's birthday party.

Can you guess where Simon is? Inside of Taran's tent/teepee!

And we are looking for the best guess as to what purpose such stunning headgear could serve.
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

The grad school application is in the mail! (no pictures today, so feel free to watch the sleeping in couscous video again.)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Not Sleepy

The quality of this isn't the best because we used our point and shoot. We couldn't risk missing the moment to find the good video camera. The time was about 6:15 on a nap-less day. And in case you worry that we just kept tormenting him, we picked him up and put him to bed right after shooting this.

A small side note- couscous isn't the best food for the neatness factor when one has a three year old, but Simon loves it.

New Train Tracks!

Thanks to Great Grandma, Simon has some great new track pieces and a tunnel to expand his layouts.
As he now says, they are coo-el.

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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Everyday Life

Pillows Game.
One of Simon's favorite pastimes. It involves filling the living room floor with pillows and then rolling around like crazy. Anyone who is intrigued may come over to play.

Simon is actually getting good at putting on his own clothes.
Except these pants belong to Daddy.

March truly came in like a Lion- snow day and all. Notice Simon's totally snow-encrusted mittons.

But the lamb was quick to follow a mere five days later. It was warm enough to eat breakfast outsdie at 8:30 AM. We were eating at our grocery store which has one of the best water front set ups in all of NYC.
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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Simon Sees Laundry Day

Daddy on the elevator with the detergent.

Walking down the hall with the laundry bag.

Laundry spread all over the couch.
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The Very Old and The Very New

Simon contemplates T-Rex our recent trip to the Natural History Museum with Grandma Sue and Papa Steve.

Simon was thrilled to see (and hold!) Baby Iva.

It's hard to say which made him happier, Iva or dinosaurs, and considering the day started out with pancakes and syrup- it was a really great day for Simon!
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