Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cape Cod 5

July 27th was Gotcha Day- Simon has been our son for 2 years now!
We celebrated with balloons!

And homemade chocolate cake!

Daddy cut the cake carefully...

And Simon ate it carefully!

OK- the truth is he was pretty chocolatey by the end of eating.
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Cape Cod 4

Along with all the play there was EATING! Lots and lots of yummy eating.
Here Simon is waiting for food. Notice the fresh figs in the picture- Simon ate those.

And he ate artichoke...

And he ate lobster...

And he ate this yummy striped bass Gr'Uncle Peter is serving...

And he ate (not pictured) cereal, toast, muffins, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, melon, apple, peaches, mac-n-cheese, fried oysters, french fries, crackers, caponata, olives, cod, turkey, corn-on-the-cob (about which he told me, "No! I ate corn on the deck!), zuchini, yellow squash, chick peas, peppers, cous-cous, spagehtti, basil, cheese, ice cream, cookies, chocolate cake, whipped cream, and I'm sure I left a lot off of this list.

Cape Cod 3

The sand was pretty fun too. Gr'Uncle Peter was smart and taught Simon how to make sand "cake".

Simon got to play with other kids too.

We tried the time honored tradition of burying someone in the sand. It didn't work out so well because Simon could only stay still for about 1 minute.

And though Daddy could stay still really well--Simon's method of burying him left something to be desired.

Cape Cod 2

The fun in the water was endless! Simon loved watching Gr'Aunt Erica swim. Once she swam right up to his toes!

Simon also loved trying to poor seaweed down Mama's bathing suit. (Thnkas to Daddy for the skilled picture taking.)

More water!

Simon also tried to move the water in the bay-- one watering can at a time.
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Cape Cod 1

We are so lucky! We just returned from a great trip to visit Gr'Aunt Erica and Gr'Uncle Peter on Cape Cod! It was an amazing trip and Peter and Erica were generous with food, drink, beaching, babysitting, and lots and lots of love!

Here's Simon with them both an the beach. Simon loved the beach. Really loved the beach.

One of the best things about Cape Cod is sometimes having the beach to yourself.

Simon wanted to swim! (Thanks Daddy for helping him out.)

And the waves were super fun- here with Grandma Sue as the helper.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Meet the Lobsters

It's almost dinnertime. Eating Maine lobsters in Maine, the way you're suppose to.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Checking out the tent

Here we are after Papa Don and I made sure we could put up the tent.

Maine! (part 6)

Mama and Daddy actually got to go off and do somethings with out Simon too. (Thanks for babysitting Grandma and Pa-Pa!)
A beautiful morning kayak where we saw a loon chick getting fed by its parents.

Sailing on the Olad on a very windy day.

One strangely notable thing about the sail was that we discoverd near the end of the trip that a squirrel was cowering in the bow. Poor thing.

It's hard to see, but Simon, Grandma Jean, and Pa-Pa Don are on the dock watching our boat come in. Simon was very envious that Daddy and Mama were on a boat.

Watch for video of our other Maine adventures to be posted soon! (Lobster eating, blueberry picking, and more!)
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Maine! (part 5)

The sleeping arrangements for the great camping trip-- Left side, Pa-Pa Don on the air mattress. Right side, Simon who didn't really use his sleeping bag or stay on his pad, but instead used the whole tent and Daddy as his sleeping area, Middle, Daddy.

Happy breakfast. Everyone survived the night.

A little hike to see the ocean from the campgrounds.
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Maine! (part 4)

A major highlight of the trip was camping! (OK- full disclosure- the camping trip lasted only one night, which was plenty, and was only for the boys. Grandma Jean and Mama went out to the fanciest bar for drinks and the fanciest restaraunt for dinner.)

Here is Simon leaping from the car he is so excited to see the tent.

Pa-Pa Don is teaching Simon how to build a fire.

Good job Pa-Pa Don.

Corn on the cob outside! Yay!
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Maine! (part 3)

One of the very cool things we did was learn a little bit more about owls.
Simon is very into owls right now, especially their hoots.
Here is Simon looking at the Barred Owl.

And here is the owl looking at Simon!

There was also a little bit of indoor play as well. Simon got a fabulous gift of train tracks from Pa-Pa Don and Grandma Jean. Here they all are putting the tracks together.

And here goes the F train around and around. (Who knew the F train ran all the way up to Camden?)
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Maine! (part 2)

Simon got to play on a small ocean beach near the water.

And in the water!

Pa-Pa Don and Grandma Jean might have been having almost as much fun as Simon!

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Maine! (part 1)

Can you tell we're in Maine?

This is from our day trip to Vinalhaven. Here's the ferry ride out.

Everybody eating ice cream. (We ate a lot of ice cream on this trip.)

And the ferry ride back. Simon's worn out from more than just ice cream, he also ate lobster roll, grilled cheese, walked through beautiful fields and begged to go in the water.
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