Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wet And Cold

There was wet and cold ice cream.  Yum.  And yes, Simon's ice cream really was that blue.  Eeww.

There was also a wet and cold pool.  Very cold.  But still fun.

This is a true underwater handstand.  Wow.

Wizard Camp

Simon went to wizard camp at the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
It was as cool as it sounds.
We don't have pictures of most of camp- 
but many cool things came home, a broom, a cauldron, potions, apothecary supplies (troll snot and dragon eyeballs), a wizard hat, a shield, and some surprises too.

Here is Simon in front of his classroom.

Here Daddy plays with some of the exhibits the students got to try out.

Simon demonstrating cool ball races,

Simon's amazing camp councilor, Shayna.

And the surprise, A Goldfish!!!!!!
White tail will get a whole post of her own soon, but here she is the very first day she came home.

Very Brave

We just got back from our trip to Rochester this summer.

Simon was very brave and jumped off the diving board on his very first try.

He then did it again and again and again!

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Family Announcement

The Garland family is please to announce the arrival of Whitetail, a 1" goldfish.  Simon won Whitetail at his camp fair.  Currently Whitetail is swimming in his bag in his bowl for water acclimation- we hope he enjoys (and survives) the trip to Brooklyn.  Pictures will follow in a few days.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Excerpts of Three Piggie Opera

Warning- this video is just over 3 minutes long- you need to be a serious Simon fan.
Otherwise- ENJOY!

Saturday, August 04, 2012

One More Fun Book From School

This book was created after Simon's class did a unit on 'photo essays'.  Simon took all of the pictures included- sorry about the bad scanning quality.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Cool Science Pictures From School

Simon's science teacher had the students keep journals into which he put pictures of them doing experiments- what a great idea!