Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Taste 10. Looks 3.

Simon baked a cake. It did not look good. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Enough Snow For Us

Before we went outside today. 

After.  Lots of very wet clothes. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

More hand made pasta

When making pasta with an adhd child it is important to have someone on hand to make the afterpasta Martini.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Cooking Continues

This will be mostly a pictorial entry...

Yum. Really. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Simon found an app that let's you virtually try on make up. 
Say what?

Monday, January 05, 2015


We went to the Illiusionists last night. It was a very late night and not enough sleep for a school day but oh so fun!  I wish I had video of Simon's laughter at the bad jokes and his intense concentration on the magic. We all loved it. 

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Museum of the Moving Image

Simon and I got away from iPads and TVs and went to the Museum of the the Moving Image in Queens. 

I relived some of my favorite Christmases and stared at the Star Wars toys that I used to have.

Simon became part of the "TV Lounge, 1988" exhibit, for the length of a "Spider-Man and His Friends" episode. (I guess kids don't need high definition as much as the tv manufacturers would like us to think).
 And then we got the snow that every winter vacation should have.

Friday, January 02, 2015

Happy New Year!

Nor did this!

Every year we eat black-eyed peas for luck. Usually this means hoppin' John.  This year we tried something very different. 
Take the peas...
Mush up the other ingredients and then add the peas. (Other things are eggs, raisins, baking soda, and spices.)
Bake in the microwave. 

Garnish with berries and honey and eat. 
The verdict?

We hope the year is full of luck for you!

A House Worthy Of Bragging About

Oops- this didn't publish before.  


We did not make the people- they came with the kit. But the rest is all us. 

Math Museum And Gifts

Simon and I went to the math museum in Manhattan. It was very very cool. He really wanted something from the gift shop so by swapping his Amazon card from uncle Alan for cash, adding his saved allowance, and cashing in some of his reward points- he got this-
And we have all been enjoying playing with it a lot!
Thanks Uncle Alan!