Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Rest of Thanksgiving

On the way to eat turkey we saw the wild parrots of Brooklyn.

At Peter and Erica's a wonderful meal was had- someone sampled the pie early.
(It wasn't Simon)

Simon and Iva ready to EAT!

We saw lots of family, here Aunt Barb and Uncle Joel play with the youngest family member, Clara.

We went to a show later in the weekend with Grndpa Steve and Grandma Sue, Simon learned that it is hard to read and hold on.
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Our Thanksgiving Morning 7

And then there was the US Gymnastics team.  Simon was a bit confused as he was looking for a real flying squirrel.

More balloons.  Our camera battery was starting to go at this point.

Simon was in total disbelief when he read the sign, "Tap Dancing Christmas Trees".
But there they were.

And Dora.

So much confetti

More balloons.

And, of course, Santa Claus.

It was a fabulous morning.  We are very grateful to Carol and Dave for the tickets.  This was a once in a lifetime experience.

(Though Sarah thinks I ought to try to get into the parade myself as a volunteer-
she thinks I might enjoy it.)
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Our Thanksgiving Morning 6

Then there were more clowns- we let Simon climb down to the front- no one minded.

More celebrities- Flo Rida.

The Diary of a Wimpy Kid- this picture is for my students.

This was the truly funny "Briefcase Drill Team"

Fried eggs on tricycles.

Basketball players on unicycles.

And more and more and more.  You can't imagine how many pictures I'm not posting!
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Our ThanksGiving Morning 5

And the parade went on and on-  There were tiny floats and more silly costumes (on stilts!)

Native Americans- Will gave them a voice-
"Hey- you took our land and now you make us march in your parade?"

More balloons.

Air Force Honor Guard.  These were the best marchers we saw.

Power Rangers!

More balloons!

More celebrities- Whoopi Goldberg!
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Our Thanksgiving Morning 4

And then there were more balloons,

And the cast of Sesame Street!  This may have been one of the serious highlights for the grown-ups- right in front of us were Gordon, Luis, Bob, and Susan.

Then more balloons,

celebrity rock stars, (Jimmy Fallon and the Roots)

lots of very silly costumes, 


and more marching bands!  This one was from Mexico- check out the adorable tuba player waving!
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Our Thanksgiving Morning 3

And then there were marching bands,


giant turkeys,

(Simon reacting to the giant turkey waving his wings.)

and more balloons.
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Our Thanksgiving Morning 2

There was a huge line to get in, but it didn't actually matter when you got there because all the seats were pretty much the same- as long as you didn't end up behind a tree.

We met up with Sarah which made the whole thing even more fun.
As we walked to our seats we passed lots of people and felt like we were the parade.
(Much to the embarrassment of the other grown ups, I got people to cheer for us!)

Here's our view pre-parade.

A few clowns came by to warm up the crowd.

Simon only asked when will it start about 20 times.

And then it began….
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