Friday, July 19, 2013

Color Me Pretty

Remember the teaser a few days back?  Well here is what we did…A Color Mob!

What is a color mob you might ask?  It is a untimed 5k run where they suggest you wear white and then a various points a long the way you get color bombed.

Here's Daddy after the first bombing.  Very handsome.

Simon took a great photo near the end.

A family that gets colorful together…
Needs to clean up together.

Simon was pretty excited to be able to throw some color too.  Strangely he wanted to throw the color at Mama.

There was a party at the end.

Simon really enjoyed the shower after too.  Think he needed one?  Even today, almost a week later we are still findng bits of green.
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

More School Work

Here is a story from early in the school year.  A true story.
And here is an assignment from around November.  I think we were lucky Ms. Gorman has a sense of humor.

More school work coming soon.
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Sunday, July 14, 2013


The end of the school year brought a lot of Simon's schoolwork home so over the next few days I'll be posting things of interest from this year.

First are a few of his poems that we'd never seen before.  Enjoy!

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Saturday, July 13, 2013


These pictures are teasers…

What could have done this to our families shoes?



Hopefully some better pictures- and an explanation are coming soon.
Tee hee!
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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Hooray for Cape Cod

We spent a wonderful week in Wellfleet with lots of family.  Simon and his cousin Iva played togehter on many beaches.

Simon got to see whales- look carefully and you can see a spout.  We saw three kinds of whales and saw a fin whale up quite close- NEAT!

There are some traditional Eisinger pictures by this anchor.  It's nice to have them recreated.

Simon and Iva enjoyed the 4th of July parade- there was LOTS of candy being thrown.

Simon and Daddy braved shark infested waters.  No joke- Great White sharks are becomming much more common on the Cape.  The rule is that you shouldn't swim if you see seals.  The problem is that the seals are everywhere.

Simon really enjoyed his hot dog at our cookout on the beach.

Probably because he cooked it himself!

The cookout was a huge success and even included singing songs around the campfire.

It was really nice to spend good time with Grandpa Steve and Grandma Sue in such a beautitful place.

It was also great seeing Peter, Erica, Jesse, Sarah, Iva, Clara, Sarah and Johnathan.  We have a great family.
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