Tuesday, August 16, 2011

And Then... Maine!

(These first pictures are off of my cell phone- for some reason I kept forgetting to bring the camera with us- could it have been the lack of sleep?)
We walked out the Rockland Breakwater to the light house! We did this last year, but the light was closed to visitors- not this year! The man even turned on the light for us!
Our walk back was very exciting.
It was an unusually high tide and we were walking back just 15 minutes shy of the height of it. It is not normal for the top of the breakwater to be even with the sea! We all got soaked with waves that came up to our ankles- but it was quite an adventure.

The next day we were off to one of our favorite places, Beech Hill.
Once a year they have a one-day blueberry pick. We picked like crazy.
Though Simon and his friends Willa ate lots more than they picked. They also played at being Sal and Little Bear which was too cute for words.

I guess that would make Papa Don Papa bear! Though there isn't actually a Papa in the story.

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