And now the Man With the Yellow Hat and Curious George will trick-or-treat rain or shine! (We got lucky, and while there was rain, it was never too cold, too heavy, or too daunting. Besides, Mama was well protected by her hat.)
Simon got to trick-or-treat with Ariana, who is becoming a good Mountain Lakes friend for him. She was dressed as tinkerbell so a typical conversation between then would go somthing like this, "Tinkerbell, do you love candy?" "Yes! A lot! I really love candy!" "Me too." Simon do you want to ring the doorbell at this house?" Yes, and you can do the next one." "OK! Let's Go"
After the rain, the sugar, the chaos, the spooky noises, the myriad of costumes, Simon was pretty well fried. And it showed. (But notice, he is eating an apple.)
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