Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We aren't having our family Seder for a few nights- but tonight we thought it would be fun to have matzoh ball soup. Simon helped make it. "It's sticky!"

Looks good enough to...


Simon devoured it. He announced it was super-yummy and that he wanted to serve it to all of his friends.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Double Header Birthday!

Simon had two- yes, two- birthday parties today! Here he is with Kessie on the right, turning four, and their friend Hannah on the left. The instruction for this picture was to look silly!!! They succeeded.

And here Simon is with his best friend Zachary who also turned four. They are holding on tight because they are on a cool simulated roller coaster ride at Chuck E. Cheese. (Which was much nicer than I thought it would be!)

Now after double doses of fun, candy, cake, sugary drinks, friends, and general over stimulation- we are going to try to put him to bed. Ha ha.
Oh- and is if that wasn't enough excitement- Will ran his third race of the year and clocked his best time by far. Go Daddy!
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Fun Visit

Grandma Sue and Grandpa Steve came for one of their whirl-wind visits. We had a lovely, sunny afternoon in the park between the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge.

Grandpa Steve even found a good skipper among the rocks.

We all went to a fabulous show in Times Square. Simon love to watch the lights- though this time, sadly, one of the highlights of walking around was when he saw a giant, animated, M&M.

Here is sitting so nicely at his first fancy theater show! He loved it.
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Some New Art

In honor of St. Patrick's day-

In honor of brushing teeth-

In honor of people with curly black hair?
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Learning to Cook

We've decided to make sure Simon knows that he can cook things other than cookies, muffins, pancakes, etc.
So here he is cutting zuchini for chili.
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Karate Party!

Simon had super fun at his friend Hannah's Karate party. Sadly, the batteries dies before the cool kicking and punching parts. But here are Simon and Hannah balancing like pros.
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Monday, March 08, 2010

Simon Sees

I know you can't really tell- but this one is taken while he is in bed looking up.
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Simon Sees

Look carefully for the big spider in this one.

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Simon Sees

I think this is my favorite.
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Simon Sees

It has been a long time since a 'Simon Sees' post. Simon has been using his camera a lot and lovning it, but he became convinced that we shouldn't put the pictures onto the computer- we think he thought they would be gone? So it wasn't until he filled the card we talked him into it- so here come a lot of picture of the world from a Simon's eye view.

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58 Degrees- So we went sledding!

Yup- sledding. There was still enough snow on Unce Robert and Aunt Lisi's yard so our great friend Ariana came over and we had some wet fun!

Sometimes one person fell down (or out- depending)...

Sometimes the other person did.

And there was lots of working together!

Thanks to Uncle Robert and Aunt Lisi for giving us the sled. Thanks to Arianna for coming over to make it even more fun. Thanks to Mama and Daddy who forgot to prepare themselves for snow even though Simon had on all that he needed so they braved the snow in sneakers. And thanks to the big old snow storm that dropped enough snow so that some was left even though it was a gloriously warm day!
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Thursday, March 04, 2010


Daddy ran another race! His second of 2010. Simon and Mama were there to cheer him on and take pictures at this one.
(We think Simon may have been a bit more excited by the food Daddy got when he finished the race.)
Go, Daddy, go!

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We love her. Her name is Bebe- sorry that got a little cut off.
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