Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Day

This was the view out our living room window this morning.
School was canceled!

And even though we have no pictures, you can imagine the playing in the deep snow that happened! Mama and Simon rolled, flopped, dove, slid, jumped, etc.

This is the post snow musical interlude that we had to wait for the hot chocolate to be cool enough to drink.
What a great morning!
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No matter how bad the day is...

Bubble bath can make it better.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

February Break

Among many fun things we went ice skating with Cousin Julia.

Daddy and Mama actually got to be adults for a little while and go to the Met.

We thought cell phones were not allowed in the museum- clearly we were wrong.

Simon absolutely loves getting to spend time with Aunt Erica and Uncle Peter. (And we think their babysitting skills are top notch!)

(Don't tell Erica that this photo is up here- we promised her we'd check all photos with her first- but I couldn't resist Simon's joy as they were singing, "I love my rooster..."
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

All Weather Zoo

We go in the summer, spring, fall, and winter. We go in the rain, sun, wind, and snow. We go to the zoo.

Simon was very very close to a snow leopard. One of the great things about going to the zoo all through the year is getting to see the animals in the kind of weather they like the most. And yes, Simon is in the stroller. It is the first time we've used it since November when we used once. And before that August. I'm guessing it is the very last time. He really doesn't fit.

Here Simon is next to the Red Panda who looks just like his bedtime friend, Rhoda.

And this silly peacock wanted to ride the carousel with us!
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blowing out the candles...

Here's some birthday party footage... there might be some more to come later.

Video from the Holidays in Rochester

We are a little behind getting our video on to the blog--here are two from the holidays in Rochester that I don't think are up yet.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Cousin Sarah and Simon had a great time running around the Transit Museum recently. It was special time to say goo-bye to Sarah because she is off to have a great adventure and do some good in Cambodia for several months. We wish her luck. Simon is excited because he knows that when she comes back it will be summer, he invited Sarah to stay in his room on Cape Cod (at her parents house.)
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Triple Grandma Love!

Simon got three special valentines from Grandmas in the mail today.
(From left to right...)
Nonie Judy in Arizona.
Grandma Sue in Rochester creating a personalized one.
Grandma Jean in Maine finding a pop-up one. Simon loves the pop-up book he got from Don and Jean.
Thanks Grandmas!
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Monday, February 08, 2010

Birthday Circle at Beansprouts

Mama and Daddy joined Simon today to help him celebrate his birthday at Beansprouts. We shared pictures from Simon's summer and read a book about going to Maine. (Simon has been talking about his next birthday in the summer- we've been explaining that it isn't going to happen this way- so we thought we celebrate the other special things that do happen in the summer.)

Simon really enjoyed showing his book to everyone.

And then there was ice cream!

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More Camping

We gathered around the campfire.

(Fire created by one of Simon's teachers- Sophia)

We sang songs and told stories.

Not pictured were the wild animals, the bug spray, the dancing, the hike, the star-gazing, the cake eating and much more! It was a fabulous Birthday party. Simon and his guests had a great time. Some of the highlights were watching the kids pretend to be baby alligators in the campfire story, gazing up at the stars where there was a special constellation that spelled out S-i-m-o-n, and seeing Simon be such a gracious host by bringing drinks and snacks to his friends. We will try to post some story video and candle blowing out video soon. And a huge thanks has to go to Brooke who was decorating assistant extraordinare!
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Birthday Camping? You bet!

Here's the forest we camped in.

Everyone had fun in the tents.

And out of the tents.

We all tried not to fall off the stepping stones in the pond.
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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Interesting Choices

This drawing came home from school yesterday. I thought, "How cute. Where did Simon see someone with missing teeth?" But I asked him to tell me about the drawing. "The little boy is outside so his cheeks are red. This is his nose. (obvious nose thing) These are his eyes. (obvious two little dot eyes) This is his hair. (squiggle lines on top, obvious) These are his ears. (obvious ear things) This is the snow. (lines at the bottom off to the side) This is his mouth. (barely noticeable big smile arc)" "What is this?" I asked pointing to the scribbles over the mouth. "His scarf." "Oh of course. And what is this?" I say, pointing to the thing I thought was a gap tooth smile. "This." Says Simon, pointing to the part of his face between the bottom of the nose and upper lip. Whic does indeed have a little center section just as drawn.
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