Monday, September 28, 2009

Boogie Bridge

We decided to take our annual trek across the Brooklyn Bridge today. We didn't actually go all the way across- notice that we did this stroller-less!

Boys in stripes.

Doin' a little dance. The bridge can make you feel that way. (Sadly, Simon has already developed unfortunate, "Hey! I'm dancing!" facial expressions.)

Watching the helicopters land a take-off was pretty cool.
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Well Kaya, do you?

The Family Who Eats Brussel Sprouts Together....

eats brussel sprouts together.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Family (plus) Gathering

The Morrisons (and several other last names) got together over the weekend for fun and delicious food.

Here's Papa Don with his brother Alan. One of the nice things we did was remember their sister, Carol, who just died after a long decline. She was remembered for her independence, good taste, and generosity.

Simon is not the only cute child in this family- here Virginia charms everyone.

Will, Ken, and Jeff.
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Day of School

Simon started a new year at Beansprouts! He'll be going 5 days a week, full days and even staying for after-school two times a week. His teachers are Lauren, Eleni, and Sophia (who seems to give out jelly-beans to people who use the bathroom.) Simon was pretty happy to get back to school.

Later, after several months of boycotting spinach (which he used to love) he decided to try it again. "I think I'll try the spinach now." he said after picking out all the pasta, tuna, and black olives he could.

"Hey! I like spinach again! I am going to swallow it!"
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Sunday, September 06, 2009

At the zoo...

Wait a minute- what is Daddy putting Simon on?

A camel!

Which made both Simon and Daddy pretty happy.

We also enjoyed some butterflies, small and big. Please notice what this Zebra Swallowtail butterfly is saying if you can.
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Friday, September 04, 2009

Drum Roll Please...

Look! Short hair!

Blown out straight.

And air-dry wavy.

And because Simon is actually much more interesting and cuter than my hair-cut...
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