We were so excited to go to the circus today with Gramndma Jean and Papa Don. While we waited in the playground Simon spun around and around in the swing.

And here is the highlight of the circus- we are all sitting happily waiting for the show to begin.
Why is this the highlight? You might wonder why the jugglers, acrobats or tigers were not the highlight. Well- soon after this picture the circus began and an elephant was part of the show. A very big (and apparently terrifying) elephant . Simon paniced and could not be calmed- not even by magic ice cream that the circus sells to make people feel less afraid of elephants. So about ten minutes into the greatest show on earth- we left. Will, Don, and Jean joined us at the interrmission. It was just not meant to be. So in case Simon asks you, the circus (and the occaisional zoo) are where the elephants live and they never, ever, ever leave their homes. We haven't even tried to explain about the elephants that live in Africa and Asia.
However- the true highlight of the day is SImon's super-cool shirt.