OK- You are going to have to work with me on this one. First- remeber that Simon is not yet 3 and 1/2. Second- we are firm re-users in our house so the writing you are looking at is on the back of sheets and when we scanned these in, the reverse side cmae thorugh a little strong. Third- Simon was using a red editing pencil which is light to begin with.
Now- look carefully...

If you have a lot of imagination, those squiggles to the far left are an 'S', then comes a long line with a tiny dot of the top to the left- 'I', then a pretty clear 'M', a fab 'O', and a passable babackwards 'N' (with some extra decoration at the end).
And next, it was his friend Otto's birthday party today, so Simon asked me what letters were in Otto's name...
Simon wrote both of these by having me tell him the letters all at once- he didn't copy them! I'm convinced of pure genius. And I have used up all my gushy-mushy bragging about my kid for the next several months considering how proud this post is.