Along with all the play there was EATING! Lots and lots of yummy eating.
Here Simon is waiting for food. Notice the fresh figs in the picture- Simon ate those.

And he ate artichoke...

And he ate lobster...

And he ate this yummy striped bass Gr'Uncle Peter is serving...

And he ate (not pictured) cereal, toast, muffins, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, melon, apple, peaches, mac-n-cheese, fried oysters, french fries, crackers, caponata, olives, cod, turkey, corn-on-the-cob (about which he told me, "No! I ate corn on the deck!), zuchini, yellow squash, chick peas, peppers, cous-cous, spagehtti, basil, cheese, ice cream, cookies, chocolate cake, whipped cream, and I'm sure I left a lot off of this list.